Greensky Games was founded with one mission: bring VR into the mainstream by building games that couldn’t possibly exist on any other platform.
We believe the immersiveness and physicality of VR will fundamentally change what a ‘game’ is, bringing ‘gaming’ to a massive audience, far beyond what’s now considered the ‘gaming market’.
Humans didn’t evolve to sit on the couch, with a craned neck, small controller in hand and stare nearly motionless at a glowing rectangle. VR frees us to use the full capability of our bodies, and has an unparalleled ability to engage all of our senses, just like ‘real life’.
Ten years from now, the VR games played by hundreds of millions of people won’t be adapted from 2D, they’ll be designed specifically for VR and inherently social.
We’re building the kinds of VR experiences we believe will define the platform.